Access Control Services


Access control - the control of persons, vehicles and materials through entrances and exits of a protected area; an aspect of security that often utilizes hardware systems and specialized procedures to control and monitor movements into, out of, or within a protected area. Access to various areas may be limited to place or time, or a combination of both.

System Design:

Access control systems (ACS) manage entrances and exits. They improve security by restricting entry to only those who can prove their right to enter, and by monitoring and recording the actions of those who exercise that right.

The choice of a suitable access system for a particular situation is not easy. Every application is different and the systems must be matched to that particular application. When selecting a system, it is much more important to establish how satisfactorily it would work in your application rather than what system has more functions than another.

It's also important to carefully consider the life safety implications of the installation of access control systems. The first concept to grasp is that while access into a building can be denied or controlled, the egress or ability to leave a building cannot be impeded or unduly delayed. If the building is on fire, people in the building must be able to leave quickly without fumbling for keys or access control credentials. The key to the proper design of access control life safety functions is to have a clear understanding of the particular Authority Having Jurisdictions requirements and his interpretation of national and local building codes. Our staff has over 30 years' experience installing access control in South Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Remote Managed Systems:

A growing trend is the implementation of Remote Managed Systems with the use of Web Browser Software. No software or PC is required for the end user. System Controllers are accessed utilizing universal Web Browsing Software such as Internet Explorer. End users now have the option to manage the system themselves or have the system configured for Internet access and allow a remote systems administrator to manage the system for you.



Contact us today and we can help you determine which Access Control Solution is best for you.





Keri Systems

Honeywell -WIN-PAK -NetAXS


Facility Commander

Picture Perfect

L-1 Identity Solutions





